Modifying the Policy with Decorators

Content Security Policies should be restricted and paranoid by default. You may, on some views, need to expand or change the policy. django-csp includes four decorators to help.


Using the @csp_exempt decorator disables the CSP header on a given view.

from csp.decorators import csp_exempt

# Will not have a CSP header.
def myview(request):
    return render(...)

You can manually set this on a per-response basis by setting the _csp_exempt attribute on the response to True:

# Also will not have a CSP header.
def myview(request):
    response = render(...)
    response._csp_exempt = True
    return response


The @csp_update header allows you to append values to the source lists specified in the settings. If there is no setting, the value passed to the decorator will be used verbatim.


To quote the CSP spec: “There’s no inheritance; … the default list is not used for that resource type” if it is set. E.g., the following will not allow images from ‘self’:

default-src 'self'; img-src

The arguments to the decorator the same as the settings without the CSP_ prefix, e.g. IMG_SRC. (They are also case-insensitive.) The values are either strings, lists or tuples.

from csp.decorators import csp_update

# Will allow images from
def myview(request):
    return render(...)


The @csp_replace decorator allows you to replace a source list specified in settings. If there is no setting, the value passed to the decorator will be used verbatim. (See the note under @csp_update.) If the specified value is None, the corresponding key will not be included.

The arguments and values are the same as @csp_update:

from csp.decorators import csp_replace

# settings.CSP_IMG_SRC = ['']
# Will allow images from, but not
def myview(request):
    return render(...)


If you need to set the entire policy on a view, ignoring all the settings, you can use the @csp decorator. The arguments and values are as above:

from csp.decorators import csp

@csp(DEFAULT_SRC=["'self'"], IMG_SRC=[''],
     SCRIPT_SRC=['', ''])
def myview(request):
    return render(...)